Frequently Asked Questions

What day do rentals start?
Rentals usually start on a Saturday, but we are flexible on dates so please email your request.

What is the earliest time that I can arrive at the Apartment and what time must we depart?
the apartment will be ready at 4pm on arrival day, which allows our agent time to clean the apartment prior to your arrival. However we try to be flexible and may be able to alter this. On the day of departure, the apartment must be vacated by 10am, but again we try to be flexible, arrangements can be made with the cleaners for you to leave your bags if you arrive earlier or depart later, the cleaners will contact you prior to your holiday to accomodate any special requirements

Do we need to hire a car?

Hiring a car is not a necessity when staying at our apartment, as all the resort amenities however, to enjoy all the island's attractions and help with your food shopping, we would recommend it. Menorca is a small island - approximately 30 miles long and almost any place is accessible within one hour. There are plenty of places to visit around the island - outstanding beaches, towns and various events such as local fiestas during the season. If, however, you choose not to hire a car on arrival, there are taxis available at the airport. The approximate cost from the airport to the apartment is €16.
There is a Taxi service that can be phoned from anywhere in the island.

Do you provide directions to the apartment?
Yes, a map will be sent to you once your booking has been confirmed.

How do I get into the apartment on arrival?
There is a key safe in the front porch of the apartment. The combination will be sent to you.

How far is the apartment from any supermarkets and restaurants?
The nearest supermarkets and restaurants are approximately 10 minutes walk from the apartment to Cala’n Porter.

Do you supply pool furniture?
Yes, there are sun loungers and tables and chairs.

Is the tap water safe to drink?
Yes, the water is safe to drink, but we advise boiling just in case. Bottled water is available from local supermarkets at approximately 85p for 5 litres.

Do you have a dvd player?

Is there a phone in the apartment?
No, however there is good mobile reception all over the island.

How far is the apartment from the beach?
The beach is a 10 to 15 minutes walk away.

Do you have any heating?
We have electric heaters in case of any cold nights in early or late season.

My teenage kids want to know if there is a disco near by?
Cova Xeroi is the best disco in Menorca and is a 10 minute walk away.

Is there a easy way to get to the beach?
There is a miniature road train that runs from the apartmentge to the beach during the season.

Are there any local buses?
There is a bus that runs from Cala’n Porter to San Clemente and Mahon, 4 times daily.

Are there any good walk near by?
There are numerous cliff walks and some of which lead to the caves of Cales Covas.

What are the other beaches like?
The local beach at Cala’n Porter, Cala Mitiana, Cala Galdana are all cove beach of outstanding beauty.